We solve complex economic problems. Our team consists of lawyers and legal advisors with many years of experience in providing ongoing services to the largest companies, which are leaders in their industries.
For many years, we have facilitated legal service for strategic infrastructure investments, both on the investor and contractor sides. We also have extensive experience in providing legal services to state-owned companies.

Joanna Broniszewska
Attorney-at-Law / Partner

Grzegorz Majewski
Attorney-at-Law / Partner

Piotr Marciniak

Mateusz Solarz-Lewiński

Michał Dziuba

Patryk Czajkowski
Attorney-at-Law Trainee

Bartosz Witka
Attorney-at-Law Trainee

Anna Maszkiewicz
Attorney-at-Law Trainee

Julia Broniszewska-Szejka
Chief Operating Officer

Paulina Rusak
Administrative Manager
Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm
street Mokotowska 15 A local 3
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